Cringing because some people out there who knew you when you were younger likely still picture you that way, instead of knowing all the ways you’ve matured and improved as a person.
Seriously don’t sweat it, and please stick around. We’re all human and sometimes put our foot in our mouth, myself included. <3
Sorry that my response was snippy. This is a pet peeve of mine from reddit, and it seems to have carried over to lemmy, where any time someone expresses some form of happiness (especially involving kids/family), someone invariably shows up in the comments to tell them that they dislike it.
This was simply a wholesome post about a guy being hugged by his wife and daughter, saying “wow, that guy must be the richest man in the world”, and your immediate response to it was “Huh, guess I’d rather be poor”.
This same caption could have been placed over a photo of a vet who loves animals, an artist who gets to paint in their dream home studio, or a nature lover looking out into a national park, and if your first thought is to comment under those telling everyone how much you dislike dogs, art, and mountains, it would also be rude.
It wouldn’t be a wholesome post without someone in the comments searching for a way to find fault. =(
In this case: literally just a cute picture about someone finding their true happiness with their loving family rather than material wealth.
Same. Life is great!
I learned carpentry, plumbing, electrical, mechanics, welding, metal working, landscaping, operating machinery, small engine mechanics, boat building / repairing, hunting, trapping, camping, survival
What a skill set! I’m impressed.
People struggle to put themselves out there as amateurs because of this feeling, but it’s totally fine. Most hobbies wouldn’t exist without a range of enthusiasts and skills.
Like, I’ve been pretty into chess for the past couple of years, but I’m still barely “intermediate” at best. Browsing forums and stuff, it seems like everyone is a top 1% player, but that’s mathematically impossible.
His confidence was really something else. All of his friends in comedy describe him as “fearless” because he was never desperate to prove himself and seemed to just do whatever he personally thought was funny.
There are multiple stories of him going out and bombing on purpose, just for kicks.
I think I’ve been the same person in the ways that matter, but I do sometimes cringe about being so aggressively into politics and one of those “debate me!” atheists until sometime in my early 20s, lol