- not just RTL.
Coincidentally, I just saw Nitro has a bunch of Edgar Wallace right now. Those might be interesting to OP, seeing as they’re German cultural foundations :)
That’s for public broadcasters. Would be news to me that RTL is obligated to take down their own stuff? In any case, there’s still a constant flow of basically all the content made in Germany and it’s easier than getting into private trackers :)
Might be easier to VPN into the various Mediatheken that German TV stations run.
I assume what you’re implying is that you can’t put a tent there. Okay, why not fucking say that then? Homeless people around here rarely use tents, for reasons that I do not know because I am privileged enough to not be homeless, and they could probably just arrange their stuff around those shapes, put their mattress between them and go to sleep - which is why “tent” isn’t the first thing that popped into my head.
Thank you for making me jump through hoops to understand a thing.
Right? It looks like there was an attempt (gold star) at hostility but they still wanted it to look somewhat aesthetically pleasing and mostly forgot about the hostile part? Or maybe I’m just not seeing most of the hostile part, that’s what I’m trying to figure out.
It’s hard to believe you’re not trolling.
I swear I’m not. It’s entirely possible that I’m being slow, but I’m really just trying to understand so I can identify these things better in the future. Because I seriously don’t get it, there’s still plenty of room to lie down between them?
I feel like we’re talking past each other. I’m wondering how the weird human-shaped things added on top of the vents constitute hostile architecture - how are they meant to to discourage people from sleeping there? This is me trying to learn, I’m very aware that sleeping on vents isn’t exactly comfortable but how do these things make it less so?
The vents are still accessible though? And you have these nifty mannequins to hang your stuff?
Edit: honest question, possibly unnecessary joke.
I apologise for not including a tone indicator, I do try but I keep thinking I’m more obvious than I am. It was genuinely meant as a joke, as in “no, lalalala, go away, I don’t want to hear it”.
But then you wisely decided to shut your dirty mouth.
Edit: /jk
Seconded. Ideally this would sync with any mobile devices because I am incapable of self-control and putting my phone where I can’t reach it. I might even (gasp) pay for the privilege.