But it doesn’t appeal to GIT users, Git favours a Bazaar style development
A wanderer trying to explore the FediVerse
But it doesn’t appeal to GIT users, Git favours a Bazaar style development
I wasn’t talking about Github, I was talking about GIT itself; <u>Look at these Three</u>:
The last 2 are Patch-Based & 2 is basically a modernized-version of 3, eventhough 3 is still being maintained to this day & 1 is a fully-fledged Github-in-a-box
Oh boy I can’t wait for the negative comments about it’s obviois flaws, so let’s hear it
Feudalism = colonialism = Capitalism
Yes moron, state-capitalist
I tried talking to them about the notion of breaking the monopoly of GIT & was talking about Fossil They literally went don’t care “Git is good enough” they’re literally talentless monkeys
Your computer needs a dose of FREEEEEEDOM
Which is why the Torrenting functionality is important
Not that I’m complaining, but why don’t they prioritize Fdroid first ?
Does FairPhone count as one ?
Thanks, but we SERIOUSLY need more Libre-Games
I’m not a part of the fossil community, also when none of the people here bother to properly check out the website & call it Ancient or see the why behind the tool & it’s development philosphy Yeah that pisses me off (So yeah I’ll “cool it” but it makes the GIT-community look like hostile hive)
With that attitude maybe we shouldn’t invent at all Why not go all the way
What’s wrong with ThunderBird ?