Not those scenes in Spider-Man where New York throws random objects at the villain until they relent. Hell yeah solidarity.
Not those scenes in Spider-Man where New York throws random objects at the villain until they relent. Hell yeah solidarity.
I chose Kitty cause of the name and I have never looked at anything else.
Mischief Makers
Capitalists will always serve up fascists when the proletariat get too many unions for their taste. Never trust the ruling class. We should have been Luigi’ing them from day 1.
The adventures and perils of a Distronaut.
What kinda fuckass McDonald’s worker calls the cops on a folk hero? This is why we will continue to be curb stomped by the boot.
I would say we peaked copaganda when Sonic 3 had the GUN general guy be a good guy. GUN was never Sonic’s friend. They didnt even play City Escape in that movie. 5/10.