Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023

  • I had even forgotten that.

    I can’t fucking stand that piece of shit Eric Migicovsky. He fucked a bunch of the workers at Pebble on his way out, selling it to Fitbit, and then leaving them hanging when they were promised their jobs were part of the sale.

    His whole Beeper breaking into iMessage and then trying to make it work for three days and then just giving up after it became clear Apple was going to fight it. It reeked of complete lack of planning or consideration of the ramifications.

    Finally, they never took privacy seriously, and I learned that the hard way during my onboarding in the first year they released. Suffice to say, I bowed out of the onboarding because of their lack of communication and lack of respect for user privacy.

    Now he wants back in on Pebble since it got open sourced. He’s building another new company and telling people to join.

    I’m sick of this asshole fucking failing upward and fucking everyone each time he does.

    But yes, Mullenweg super sucks, too. So it was created by an asshat, ran by an asshat, and then sold to another asshat.

  • As always, Forbes only wants to profile the most narcissistic people.

    Daniel Supernault lists all his apps as developed by… Dan Supernault. Despite the fact that there’s plenty of other people’s fingers all over the Pixelfed github. Hey Dan, we can all see this. Maybe you shouldn’t take all the credit for yourself, yeah?

    Further, Supernault left moderation as a backseat activity to fast growth of Pixelfed, leading to a less than stellar user experience since the moderation was weak to nonexistent.

    So let’s see…

    1. Thinks growth matters more than a cohesive community.

    2. Labels things that involved the labor of lots of different people as though all the work was done by Daniel Supernault.

    3. He literally named one of the apps after him fucking self. Sup, the WhatsApp wannabe, and I’m really skeptical of the security bona fides here. Things like Matrix, Signal, XMPP and so on already exist but Supernault wants to re-invent the wheel again.

    4. Didn’t take moderation duties seriously instead focusing on explosive growth just like all the corporate apps.

    I’m just waiting for number 5 to be this motherfucker pulling a Matt Mullenweg and fracturing the communities because he thinks he owns them.

    Just because it’s Open Source doesn’t make it an overall good, especially when the people involved seemingly just want to use the Open Source community to launch their own careers and hope and dreams and fuck all the little people who helped. Sounds pretty corporate to me. See also: Kagi search

  • You do, especially if its a new game.

    I had seen other comments mentioning the same and had considered mentioning that is out of reach for a lot of people but then didn’t.

    Like my PC is running STALKER 2 great on the lowest settings, but if I had to run it through a VM first I would lose a lot of performance and probably dip below 60fps.

    Most games people want to pirate are brand new so telling them to do something like reformat their (probably only) PC to run baremental Linux with a Windows VM for the game is just silly and unreasonable. At that point you may as well just buy the game if you need a whole extra computer to pirate it safely.

    I couldn’t possibly run brand new games in a VM and I only have one computer that can even play modern games. Silly suggestion.