Sorry, it was, just not for exploring all of those instances at once. Should have called out the tiling function. Screen also built in a serial terminal emulator and started playing with a few other things.
Sorry, it was, just not for exploring all of those instances at once. Should have called out the tiling function. Screen also built in a serial terminal emulator and started playing with a few other things.
Executing a command, capturing all terminal formatting and escape codes so I can do some light manipulation on leading whitespace before dumping it back to the terminal.
Tmux was purpose built for terminal multiplexing. You can assign session names for organizing and manipulating multiple instances. Send keys to and read output from detached sessions. It’s easy to script.
People always sleep on script
. It’s badass and let’s you do goofy things like this while keeping standard terminal formatting:
I’d recommend tmux
for that particular use. Screen has a lot of extras that are interesting but don’t really follow the GNU mentality of “do one thing and do it well.”
+1 to caddy. There are some services that set safe headers following the recommendations outlined by Mozilla but others don’t control headers as strictly. Caddy is the only web server that I found that supports loose default header values. These values will be selected unless the upstream application specifies their own values.
You can do something similar in nginx but it requires playing with maps and has a little more indirection than I’d like.
Just wish caddy was capable of starting as root and stepping down permissions like Nginx. I have certs being managed by other tools and have to make sure they are installed and chowned for caddy’s use when they are cycled.
I find it commendable that you wrote code so horrible other libraries and started throwing more errors wondering what the hell you were doing.