What does this have to do with Germany? If anything, the EU has already hinted at consequences should FB do this in their member countries
What does this have to do with Germany? If anything, the EU has already hinted at consequences should FB do this in their member countries
I feel like I’m missing context
Linux is almost twice as big outside of gaming tho. In the Steam survey it sits at ~2%, whereas Statcounter has it at ~4%, based on browser data. Gaming actually lacks behind mainstream Linux adoption
There is an unofficial Flatpak version that works perfectly fine for ne. If you use KDE, you need to fo this in addition however: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/KDE_Wallet#Automatic_D-Bus_activation
fish is a nice shell
I’m very curious how RDNA 4 will stack up against Battlemage. Ingl, if Intel had released a B580 x2, so like a 5120 shader class card, I would’ve probably bought it (or its sister SKU) already. Gonna be tough competition
Your caption totally doesn’t match these graphs.
‘The lesser evil’ might as well be left (leaning) from the majorities POV. In that case the shift would be to the left. And furthermore you seem to be assuming that this shift continues because you keep voting for the ‘lesser evil’?
I think that’s contradictory. Voting for someone is telling them you like their course best. Why would they change their course if they are already getting the votes? (Or lead the polls?) They would only do so to capture another parties audience - and only if their own ideas are not popular (enough) already. So the contrary is true: Parties tend towards whoever is getting more votes. This is only logical, because that’s ultimately what they need.
Having to vote for a ‘lesser evil’ just means your system is broken, corrupt, or you feel like you have no other option. In functioning democratic systems, you will see fluctuations based on the general sentiment towards current topics. What’s currently going on tends to have a much more significant impact on voters than any ideals.
To give you a very simplistic example: Economy bad -> People vote for guy who (they think) will fix it. This was a big factor in Trumps victory. (And there are probably also more racist then you think.)
The former acted because he was personally affected by a person supporting exploitation within a liberal system, the latter leads an authoritarian regime that allowed their CEOs to do what they do until they got annoying for whatever reasons.
So if you want to talk objective results here, sure, one of them got a higher kill count. However, who has the moral high ground here is not even up to debate IMO
In bigger projects, you tend to miss type safety really bad, really fast. Rust has it built in, Python can have it bolted on. That’s simply one of the many aspects to consider when choosing your programming language.
But don’t worry about it too much. If one thing’s for sure, it’s that you will regret that choice in any case.