yeah i just realized it can’t be swedish because of the “o/min” text. i thought danish spelled it “slud” though. my biases are showing.
yeah i just realized it can’t be swedish because of the “o/min” text. i thought danish spelled it “slud” though. my biases are showing.
start is swedish for start and stopp is swedish for stop. leaving out a single p for i18n reasons does not really make the labels into a foreign language
that’s true, but the impact would still be lessened by faster rendering. and as someone who spends all day in the terminal anyway, i do see the benefits often.
no, that’s just minecraft being badly made. I’m talking logs running in a separate window.
text is like the slowest thing to draw :P when debugging games, a running log can make the 3D rendering stutter significantly.
yeah just using the same characters but “squished” doesn’t work since the serifs take up the character space. you need a font designed as proportional. slab serif just means that the serifs are squared rather than pointed like on Times.
i want serifs. I use Go Mono for monospaced text. i’ve yet to find a good proportional slab serif font to match though.
with the rise of LSP, i feel that ides have become less necessary. get an editor that you like, add an LSP client if there’s not one built-in, then install the server for your language.
fossil is made by the sqlite devs, for development of sqlite. this is not some amateur operation.
also, it’s by the sqlite people, so expect the code to be… odd.
it’s developer-speak for “internationalization”. i didn’t want to type it all out on my phone. it’s a very stupid abbreviation because it conveys no information.